Incomplete Policy
The short version of the policy on the grade of "Incomplete" is the following:
The grade of I (Incomplete) is a conditional and temporary grade given when students
- are currently passing a course, or
- still have a reasonable chance of passing in the judgment of the instructor
but for non-academic reasons beyond their control have not completed a relatively
small part of all requirements.
A grade of I is not intended for students who are failing the course or who have
not completed a significant portion of the requirements. Also, a grade of I does
not allow students to re-do past homework or exams to get a higher score, and it should
not be used to give students students a "second chance" at the course in order
to raise their grade.
Students are responsible for informing the instructor immediately of the reasons for
not submitting an assignment on time or not taking an examination. Students should
understand that the only way to have an I changed to a passing grade is to fulfill course
requirements in accordance with the conditions specified by the instructor. Students must
contact the instructor of the course in which they receive an I grade to make
arrangements to complete the course requirements. After the course work is completed,
the instructor will submit a change
of grade form to change the I grade to the grade earned.
UCCS Policy
The student must ask for the incomplete grade. An incomplete grade is given only
when students, for reasons beyond their control, have been unable to complete the
course requirements. It is understood that a substantial amount of work must have been
satisfactorily completed before approval for such a grade is given.
If an instructor decides to grant a request for an Incomplete (I) grade, the instructor
sets the conditions whereby the coursework will be completed. The coursework must be
completed within one academic year, but the instructor may also set less time than
one year for completion. The student is expected to complete the requirements within the
established deadline.
The instructor, with approval of the department, determines if the course should be
retaken. If a course is retaken, the student must register for the course and pay
the appropriate tuition.
The final grade (earned either by completing the course requirements or by
retaking the course) does not result in deletion of the Incomplete (I) grade symbol
from the transcript. A second entry is posted on the transcript to show the
final grade for the course.
At the end of one year, an I grade that is not completed or repeated will be
regraded as an F grade. (Students should be aware that I grades are automatically
changed to F grades, without formal notification, when the one-year time allowance
has passed.) Requests for an extension of time to complete the
course beyond the one year deadline cannot be approved.
A grade of I is not included on the grade point average. However, once the I is
replaced by a final grade (or converts to an F after the one-year time allowance
has passed), then the final grade (or F) will be calculated in the student's
grade point average.
Reference: Academic
Policies, Course Registration, and Student Records on the UCCS Website, see the
section on "Grading Policies".